Tag Archives: love

The Ben Mclean Trophy 

Over the past few months we have been organising a golf day for Ben. We decided on golf because a lot of the family, the boys especially spent most of their time with Ben on a golf course! I have to say I had no idea how much work an event like this takes, and I am so proud of my mum and dad for organising such an amazing day. 

We all agreed that throughout the day, any of Ben’s friends or family could take part in the competition and then those who don’t play could join us in evening. The turnout for the golf alone was incredible, with over 100 people playing over the course of the day!  

My dad and his horrendous trousers presenting the top 3 golfers with their awards, and all of beautiful trophies! 

At night we were joined with by an overwhelming number of people; it’s always lovely being reminded how well liked and respected Ben was by so many people. We had a band and it goes without saying that after a few drinks we were all singing/dancing our hearts out! It was so lovely to spend time with all of the people that cared about Ben, and to see both family and friends that we don’t get to see often. 

Some pictures from the dance floor!

As a family we decided to make the day a charity event, and we chose to donate to Action for M.E. as this would undoubtedly have been a cause close to Ben’s heart. One of the most incredible donations we received was from Paolo Nutini. Our whole family adore his music and when he heard we were having a night for Ben, he donated a signed guitar. We put the guitar up for a blind auction, along with a signed Celtic and rangers strip. (I really have no clue about football, but the buzz generated from these items was amazing!)

Ben’s golf day was massively successful. Not only were we given an opportunity to share stories about Ben but we all had a great day and we can now contribute to a cause that our family care about. Including donations, money made from the raffle and the blind aucfion, we were able to raise over £3000 which is incredible. So many people worked so hard to ensure everyone had an amazing day, and I am so grateful to be surrounded by such generous, kind and supportive people.

I hope that everyone who came had an amazing day, and I hope that next year is even more successful! 

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T in the Park

It’s been way too long since I have posted on this. So I thought I would get back into things with a post about one of the most eventful weekends Scotland has to offer. T in the park!

I spent the weekend with some of the most amazing people, and I got to see some of my favourite bands. For me a personal highlight was at The Courteeners on Saturday night. Not only are they one of my favourite bands, but they are also so incredible live! The crowd were absolutely mental and Courteeners fans always make for the best atmosphere possible, seeing them live is truly always an amazing experience. Before The Courteeners were The Vaccines, The Proclaimers and The Libertines, so for me Saturday was by far the best night!

Excuse the horrendous quality of my photos, a muddy festival where phones go missing at an alarming rate isn’t really ideal for getting great photos! Especially when you have to pay to get your phone charged.

Over the weekend you definitely see some interesting sights, and there are some things that quite frankly, you can’t unsee. Despite this, the weekend is all about having the best possible time you can. If that means going out in the pouring rain and getting covered in mud to see a band that you love, then go do it! Getting to spend a full weekend with you’re favourite people seeing some of the biggest bands in the world is something I truly couldn’t pass up, and I would happily go again!

For me this year, the biggest downfall of this weekend was the wait for the buses on Monday morning. To say that was a long day would be a massive understatement, but nontheless we made the best of a mad situation and got through it still smiling!

I had an amazing weekend, despite the lack of sleep, the excessive amounts of alcohol and the pathetic attempts at staying clean, it truly was hilarious. On the bus home our throats were so hoarse that we could barely get out words, and some of us were unable to tell if we were really tanned or just really muddy, but it was worth it nontheless! 

Some of my favourite pictures from the weekend! I definitely got more selfies than pictures/videos of the acts as I felt more comfortable using my phone in the campsite as I was surrounded by people I know!

It’s safe to say that after a weekend in a tent, surrounded by people that apparently come alive at night, I am absolutely done in. I have never been so excited to see my bed and Monday night was the best sleep I have ever had! Plus the fact I could eat food that didn’t cost a fortune, have a shower at any time without a queue, and was no longer covered in mud were all amazing reasons to be back home! Suprisigly enough I also managed to arrive home with a better tan than what I got in Turkey! 

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Well Ladies and Gentlement, Summer is upon us. If you’re willing to overlook the Gail force winds and torrential rain that is…

In Scotland, the chances of decent weather in summer are minuscule, which means when we spot the sun peeking through the clouds we go absolutely mad for it. What could be considered freezing in some countries is thought of as tropical here and as soon as we hit double figures in our temperature then it’s surely time for bikinis, right? 

I have a lot planned this summer and I plan to make the most of it! In terms of my health this is the best I have been coping with my M.E. in years and I hope this will continue to improve! For me one of the best things happening this summer is that my friend Lynsey, who emigrated a few years ago is home for 3 months which is so exciting! 

The first thing I have planned for this summer is my holiday to Turkey with loads of family and friends which I cannot wait for. Turkey is breathtakingly beautiful and I am lucky enough to have a holiday home there, so it is a country I know very well!

Some pictures from Turkey;


After Turkey I have T in the Park which will be absolutely mental. Camping with my friends and seeing bands that I love is going to be an incredible experience. With The Libertines, Noel Gallagher, The Vaccines, The Proclaimers and many, many more, it’s bound to be a once in a life time experience (until I go back next year that is!)

Once I am back from T I’ll definitely need some recovery time! I plan to just spend time with my family and friends, here’s hoping we get some decent weather! Bbq’s are a summer essential in my family and any day without rain qualifies! 

I love summer and I hope you all have an amazing few months! 

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There is nothing more satisfying than being in a room packed with people, whom love the band in front of them as much as you do! From my experience, at a gig, everyone is your friend. There is no judgement, everyone simply accepts that the people they are surrounded with having something important in common with them. Their music taste!

Being in a room packed with so many people that you can barely move, having what you hope is a drink but is most likely pee thrown at you, and sweating more than you thought possible sounds like a truly awful experience. Yet when the band that you love comes out and you hear the music you adore, none of that matters! Singing along with everyone and anyone, jumping like a maniac and trying to get a halfway decent video without dropping your phone becomes the most important thing. 

Hearing a band you love play live is honestly indescribable. I have found myself in tears at many gigs simply overwhelmed by my love for a song or a band. I have met some amazing people at gigs and can always spot people out of the crowd that I recognise! 

If you are hesitant about seeing a band live because you’re scared the crowd may be rowdy, don’t be! If you want to be amongst the chaos (which I always am) then you can be, but if not, you’ll still have an amazing time if you stand back and simply listen to the music!

Here are some pictures from some gigs!  

   Biffy Clyro

 Jamie T


  The Vaccines

  The Courteeners

  The Killers
 Miles Kane

There are just some of many and I know the quality isn’t all that great in some of them but these photos represent some of my favourite memories!! 

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Now as cheesy as quotes can be, they can also be very powerful. They can be used as a pick me up, for motivation, for reminding yourself of what matters! Finding good quotes to say to yourself when you’re struggling is something I find incredibly important. 

“Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Suess

This quote means a lot to me. Not only is Dr. Suess responsible for mine and Bens all time favourite movie The Cat in the Hat, but it is also a reminder to treasure each moment. At times our good memories may be all we have, and it is so important to remember this! 

“Positive thoughts create positive energy”

This is something my mum has said to me for as long as I can remember. And as a result it is something I turn to very often. If you have a positive attitude towards something you are more likely to make the effort to succeed, which to me, makes this quote invaluable. 

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde 

To me, this is a reminder to make the most of each day. To seize every opportunity and to try and make the most of life. Take risks, and do as you please. Go after what you want and don’t let anything stand in your way.

“Where words fail, music speaks”

Music is one of the most important things to me. Quotes like this are a reminder that when you feel there are no words to help, a song you can relate to may just be what you need!

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”

I believe this is something we all need to consider, myself included. This quote speaks for itself really. 

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”

This quote is something that I have found very helpful recently. Taking a step back from a situation to try and see it from a different perspective can be exactly what you need to do to begin the process of helping yourself.

These are some quotes I enjoy, please share any that are important to you! 

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It is so important in this life to find people you can count on. Reliable friends are hard to come by, so when you find a friend you know you can count on, don’t let them go. 

I believe that having strong people around you is the only thing that will keep you going at times in this life. It is so important to identify the people that you can count on, whether that be friends or family. Knowing you’re not alone in times of need can be hugely reassuring.

If you notice a friend is struggling, it is essential that you support them. Make sure they know that they can count on you. I think that one of the best qualities a person can have is being trustworthy and reliable, it proves you are a genuinely compassionate person, and that can be a rare quality to find.

It can often be hard to trust people when you have had your trust broken in the past. But I urge you to remember that if someone lets you down, you cannot punish other people in your life for that. One friend going back on their word, or a promise being broken does not mean that everyone will let you down. I believe that being open with the people closest to you even if you are let down occasionally, definitely beats struggling on your own. 

Now that does not mean you should run off and tell the world you deepest darkest secrets. I mean you can if you want to, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Instead find a strong unit of people that have earned your trust, and help them lighten the load of whatever you may be struggling with! Of course always remember that trust is a two way street and that friend whom is always there to lend a helping hand, might actually need you to to return the favour!

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The Importance of Taking Photographs 

Recently I have come to appreciate the importance of photographs. It takes all of five seconds to take a picture, and by doing so you are allowing yourself the chance to look back on your experiences whenever you please. To me it’s a no brainier, just take pictures. If you’re having an amazing time then what better than to take out the camera and capture the moment! 

I love taking photos. In fact I probably take so many photos that some people find it annoying. This is something I can’t understand. What’s better when you’re feeling down than looking through old photographs and reminding yourself of the positive things in your life. Whether that be the people you love, the places you have been or the things you have experienced. In this modern era we all have a photo album on us at all times, and personally I find that a huge comfort. 

Now the biggest problem with taking photographs is that most of us have no clue what we actually look like! So when it comes to seeing a picture of ourselves our automatic reaction is to recoil in horror and delete it as quickly as possible. We all have a burning desire to look good at all times and it is something I wish we were able to let go of. It’s usually the funnier pictures that we enjoy looking back on!  I really hope I can make you all think twice about deleting a picture straight away just because you don’t like how you look because really, it’s hardly the end of the world is it? If you’ve taken a picture in a place that you love with people you love then the sentimental value that holds will outweigh the need to constantly look perfect.

Here are some of my favourite photographs, if anyone is interested. And I invite you all to look through your own photos and think about what ones mean the most to you, and why. For me it’s all about the people in the photos!    

Speaking of photos, follow my Instagram- I am fairly addicted to posting! Instagram

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Biffy Clyro

I could spend the rest of my life talking about this band, and to be honestly I probably will. You will come to see a recurring theme in that 99.9% of things that I love were introduced to me by my older brother, and biffy are no exception.

This whirlwind romance began in 2009 with the release of Only Revolutions. At the age of 10 I bought the album on iTunes and fell in love. After I had replayed the album so often that I could probably recite each song backwards, I moved on to all of their earlier records. Over the years I have fallen more and more in love with this band, the album “puzzle” hugely out shining the rest for me. 


In 2010, Biffy came to Glasgow and I sat in my room a very jealous 11 year old, eagerly waiting the return of my brother to relive the night through him. For years I believed this was the closest I would get to seeing my favourite band live, watching the videos filmed with a very shaky hand on my brothers IPhone 3. But eventually, came the realise of “opposites” and a new album to me meant one thing: TOUR. I was lucky enough to get tickets and on 1st April 2013 I was blessed to see my favourite band live and in person!!  It goes without saying that I cried like a baby.


I really dislike people stating that bands have gotten them through hard times because really, a song just isn’t ever going to fix your problems is it? But that doesn’t mean I don’t find overwhelming comfort in the voice of Simon Neil. Songs such as “folding stars” and “machines” mean a great deal to me personally and can always bring a tear to my eye.

On a lighter note, I am embarking on a pretty big journey in regards to biffy. I am planning to have the puzzle album artwork tattooed on my ribs, as a symbol of not only my love for the band, but to represent the countless amazing memories I have with my brother because of this band. 

I am aware this is all incredibly cheesy, but it’s also something that means a great deal to me, and if you haven’t already, go and listen to biffy right now! And one last thing; Mon the Biff!!! 

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