Tag Archives: drinking

T in the Park

It’s been way too long since I have posted on this. So I thought I would get back into things with a post about one of the most eventful weekends Scotland has to offer. T in the park!

I spent the weekend with some of the most amazing people, and I got to see some of my favourite bands. For me a personal highlight was at The Courteeners on Saturday night. Not only are they one of my favourite bands, but they are also so incredible live! The crowd were absolutely mental and Courteeners fans always make for the best atmosphere possible, seeing them live is truly always an amazing experience. Before The Courteeners were The Vaccines, The Proclaimers and The Libertines, so for me Saturday was by far the best night!

Excuse the horrendous quality of my photos, a muddy festival where phones go missing at an alarming rate isn’t really ideal for getting great photos! Especially when you have to pay to get your phone charged.

Over the weekend you definitely see some interesting sights, and there are some things that quite frankly, you can’t unsee. Despite this, the weekend is all about having the best possible time you can. If that means going out in the pouring rain and getting covered in mud to see a band that you love, then go do it! Getting to spend a full weekend with you’re favourite people seeing some of the biggest bands in the world is something I truly couldn’t pass up, and I would happily go again!

For me this year, the biggest downfall of this weekend was the wait for the buses on Monday morning. To say that was a long day would be a massive understatement, but nontheless we made the best of a mad situation and got through it still smiling!

I had an amazing weekend, despite the lack of sleep, the excessive amounts of alcohol and the pathetic attempts at staying clean, it truly was hilarious. On the bus home our throats were so hoarse that we could barely get out words, and some of us were unable to tell if we were really tanned or just really muddy, but it was worth it nontheless! 

Some of my favourite pictures from the weekend! I definitely got more selfies than pictures/videos of the acts as I felt more comfortable using my phone in the campsite as I was surrounded by people I know!

It’s safe to say that after a weekend in a tent, surrounded by people that apparently come alive at night, I am absolutely done in. I have never been so excited to see my bed and Monday night was the best sleep I have ever had! Plus the fact I could eat food that didn’t cost a fortune, have a shower at any time without a queue, and was no longer covered in mud were all amazing reasons to be back home! Suprisigly enough I also managed to arrive home with a better tan than what I got in Turkey! 

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